Sunday, January 30, 2011

Re-Post Owl

Re-posting this owl art, its one of our favorites, and looks alot better since we have taken new pictures of it.  We also saw a little screech owl in Ipswich this week, amazing little birds! Its been a great owl month for us at befuddled.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A few new pieces from the North- Artic

Also thought I would share this rare-ish long Eared Owl picture. We get much of our drive from being out and about. We saw this little guy in the deep wood of Ipswich while snowshoeing. Enjoy!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Winter and the new year

As the winter sets in we are working on new pieces as well re-photographing the canvas's. In general hilarity, I am fresh out of a winter raptors workshop and have been tracking in the new snow, so expect lots more birds , and furry friends in the next month.
Here is some new stuff from the shanty, enjoy!